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Adult paysite "Shower Spy Cameras"

Watching unsuspecting girls taking showers is always a naughty and fun affair. Shower Spy Cameras catch all the action as these sexy women soap up their bodies while being filmed by hidden cameras. Taking a peak into the girls’ showers is exciting.

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Movies UploadedWatch 6 movies
Last Movie Upload5 years ago
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This paysite is part of "Enjoy Bucks" program

Good converting amateur paysites in different niches: asian, ebony, public nudity, beach voyeur, hidden cameras, swingers, fisting. Unique and exclusive content we shoot ourself.

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Paysites (8)Asian Teen Gfs
Black Nexdoor
Hidden Camera Dressing Room
Juicy Girlfriends
Nasty Julia
Nude Beach Dreams
Shower Spy Cameras
Payout Rates50.00 % rev share
35.00 USD per signup
10.00 % referral
Pay Period14 days
Minimum Payout100 USD
Funds Hold14 days
Payment MethodsPaxum
Wire transfer
Subscriptions29.95 USD for 30 days recurring on 29.95 USD for 30 days
54.95 USD for 90 days recurring on 54.95 USD for 90 days
99.95 USD for 150 days recurring on 99.95 USD for 150 days
SoftwareNats 4.0
Maximum allowed promo movie length300 sec (5 min)
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